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Exclusive Interview With PattyCakes*

*I didn't have the time to interview him, but I'm sure it would go something like this:

PureJenius: Pat, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk.

PattyCakes: I think I should be in class right now.

PJ: I hear you are quite the domestic. Can you elaborate on what it is like?

PC: Well it's a lot of fun and very rewarding. For instance, I will get up early on Saturday morning, drive to the Twin Cities, stop and get three medium coffees, three scones, and go pick up my teammates. They are usually still in bed when I come pick them up because I have to get there pretty early. So I will load all of their equipment into my car (if someone's bike needs to be washed I will take care of that before loading in on the car. I don't want to make that mistake again...sorry Jens.). Once the car is loaded, I will then make sure everyone gets out of bed in time to make it to the race. Usually my guys are pretty crabby in the morning, especially if I have to wake them up, but that is why I bring the coffee and scones.

PJ: Wow. sounds like you do quite a bit of work.

PC: Naw, that's not much. After I have driven everyone to the race, my team usually goes and gets registered and talk to other members of the cycling community. They have important public relations to take care of so in the mean time I will pin their numbers on their jerseys, pump up their tires, and make sure I have the correct drink mix in the bottles.

PJ: That's a pretty rewarding set of tasks you have.

PC: Yeah, I haven't even told you about the race yet. I usually have to carry three or four extra water bottles with me in case my guys get thirsty. Sometime those races are real long. It makes it a little tough when I have to chase down the breakaways...carrying all that extra water and all. It usually works out since we can usually get a few of our guys pretty high up in the results. Wile they are celebrating the finishes, I have to hurry back to the car and get everything loaded since they are usually too tired to pick up their bike and put them on the rack. You should see how well everyone sleeps on the way home.

PJ: For all of the work you put in, sounds like you get a pretty handsome cut of the prize money.

PC: Prize money?

PJ: That's all the time we have today...thank you Pat for your time.


Strats said…
The sad part is that there is some truth to this! You forgot to mention all the bike work PCakes also does for your lady friend. Thanks PCakes, you rock for a college kid with raging hormones.

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