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State Fair Crit #2

Good times. The GP NVGP squad used the race to loosen the legs and things worked out well. E Rok and I were in a break but kept the pace tame so E wouldn't work too hard before the big show. The peleton came together with 4 laps remaining. We stayed at the front, railed the last lap and took home another trophy that resembles a carbon fiber fork. 1. E Rok 2. Pellis 3. Yours Truly 4. Cole-in-the-House.

What I liked:
- (didn't mention this last week) Having an announcer gives it the feel of a (for lack of better term) a real race and not a Tuesday night race.

Bike Racing 102:
We covered 101 and echelons earlier this season, today we are covering knowing when to say when.
During a criterium bike race, a team or teams will organize their riders at the front of the field to control the pace with the idea of setting up their protected rider(s) for the final kick. This tactic is as old as bike racing. When there are 8 riders from the same team at the front riding single-file there is only one way you will be allowed into that line, if, and only if you are wearing the same jersey. DO NOT attempt at squeezing yourself into the line. If you do, here is what will happen in a local race: There will be a lot of jaw jacking, friendly pushes with the elbow, and the occasional re-routing to the side of the road. In a big race: You will be swiftly guided to the nearest exit of the race which typically can be found beneath you at 30mph.

Last year at the MPLS crit, E Rok was sitting behind, yes BEHIND, one of the pro teams' lead out train not getting close to even try to get in the mix and was promptly removed from the front of the field by one rider grabbing his helmet and forcefully shoving him to the side. He was >very< lucky that's all he got.

So with NVGP starting tonight, if for some reason you happen to find yourself in that kind of situation (for which most of you is doubtful), you can expect a proper ass-whippin' from the big teams if you get near them. And don't go crying to the officials that you got shoved because they have important things to worry about.

I don't make the rules, I just pretend to know what they are.


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