Franz: "No, I do no heer zat Peet vill be racingk ze trak toonite."
H: "Vell, he iz"
F: "Oh ya?"
H: "ya."
F: "ya?"
H: "ya."
F: "I vill squish him."
H: "ya?"
F: " ya."
H: "ya?"
F: "ya."
H: "OK zen, we vill squish him."
F: "But no in ze points race, zat iz too long."
H: "ya, we vill squish him in ze Chariot. I vill squish him like a bug."
F: "ya, squish him like bug on floor."
H: "ya, or like bug on ze wall and squish him with ze newzpaper."
F: "ya, or squish him like bug on table with ze newzpaper."
H: "ya?"
F: "ya."
H: "ya?"
F: "ya."
My mad skills of MS Paint gets the creative credit.